Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submission
Conference Schedule: April 11–13, 2025
The 6th APSID Congress and 3rd National Congress of Inborn Errors of Immunity & National Forum on Pediatric Immunology is calling for abstracts on immunodeficiency diseases, autoinflammatory diseases, and the following topics for the IEI School and Congress sessions.
Topics in the Congress Sessions
Immunodeficiencies affecting cellular and humoral immunity
Predominantly antibody deficiencies
HSCT / Gene therapy for IEI
Auto-inflammatory disorders
Monogenic IBD / SLE
Data science / Registry in IEI
Please leave the final selection, category and presentation type (oral or poster) to the Organizing Committee.
How to Submit Your Abstract
Please access the online abstract submission from the following button.
Abstracts must be submitted through the online submission portal using the word document templates that can be downloaded from the portal.
Members must first register for the Congress to provide a matching Registration Number in the abstract submission portal. Abstracts that do not have a matching Congress registration number will be rejected.
The word document abstract submitted must be 10 MB or less in file size.
The abstract must be written in English or Chinese.
English: The title must be 20 words or less. The body of the abstract (excluding title, author's name, and organizational affiliation) must be 300 words or less.
Chinese: The title must be 40 characters or less. The body of the abstract (excluding title, author's name, and organizational affiliation) must be 500 characters or less.
You can register up to 20 authors and 20 institutions.
May include one diagram in TIFF, PNG, GIF, or JPEG format embedded in your word document abstract.
Abstracts that exceed these limits will be rejected and ineligible for awards or travel grants.
Submitted abstracts should not have been published in any local or international journal prior to the 6th APSID Congress and 3rd National Congress of Inborn Errors of Immunity & National Forum on Pediatric Immunology.
Previously presented abstracts that are updated with significant new findings may be submitted.
All abstracts will be reviewed and scored by the Abstract Review Committee. An abstract may be accepted for oral or poster presentation, or it may be rejected.
Accepted abstracts will be presented by the representing author in oral or poster format at the 6th APSID Congress and 3rd National Congress of Inborn Errors of Immunity & National Forum on Pediatric Immunology.
Only members of APSID are eligible to apply for awards. Click here to Register
APSID Young Investigator Award
Eligibility Criteria
Regular presentations of 6th APSID Congress and 3rd National Congress of Inborn Errors of Immunity & National Forum on Pediatric Immunology in which the first author is an APSID member who is 40 years old or younger as of the first day of the meeting will be eligible for review.
When registering regular abstracts, please select “Yes” in the Young Investigator Award application column.
Travel Grant
Eligibility Criteria
Travel grants are provided to first authors or presenters whose abstracts are selected by the Abstract Review Committee.
The first author or presenter must be in attendance at the 6th APSID Congress and 3rd National Congress of Inborn Errors of Immunity & National Forum on Pediatric Immunology to be awarded the travel grant.
Even if a first author or presenter has more than one abstract accepted, the travel grant will be provided to the one first author or presenter only for the abstract selected by the Abstract Review Committee.
Organized By
Platinum Sponsors
Friendly Links
Asia Pacific Society for Immunodeficiencies | Beijing Children's Hospital | HKU Med |